dplyr part 2

STOR 390

The five core dplyr fuctions

  • select (select columns)
  • filter (select rows)
  • mutate (make new colmn)
  • arrange (rearrange rows)
  • summarise (many rows -> one number)

Functions arguments

  • first argument is a data frame
    • select(bison)
  • following arguments (usually variable names) say what to do
    • select(bison, bisonID, eventDate)
  • returns a new data frame
    • sighting_dates <- select(bison, bisonID, eventDate)

Use select to subset out columns

select(bison, year, ITISscientificName)

Question 1

What is the ITISscientificName of the 382nd row? https://goo.gl/forms/vEWGVC0EIAThz2e33

Filter selects rows

filter(bison, ITIScommonName == "Carolina Chickadee")

Filter selects rows

filter(bison, ITIScommonName == "Carolina Chickadee")
# A tibble: 1,478 × 37
     bisonID basisOfRecord catalogNumber collectorNumber recordedBy
       <int>         <chr>         <chr>           <chr>      <chr>
1  940795743   observation  OBS182987414            <NA> obsr143470
2  943427969   observation  OBS186127858            <NA> obsr143470
3  933987932   observation  OBS174439934            <NA> obsr143470
4  933992451   observation  OBS174556851            <NA> obsr143470
5  936922013   observation  OBS178387679            <NA> obsr143470
6  971994869   observation  OBS218011543            <NA> obsr143470
7  972287684   observation  OBS218623899            <NA> obsr143470
8  973919771   observation  OBS220479035            <NA> obsr143470
9  973929092   observation  OBS220273149            <NA> obsr143470
10 974747631   observation  OBS221371577            <NA> obsr143470
# ... with 1,468 more rows, and 32 more variables: providerID <int>,
#   institutionCode <chr>, resourceID <dbl>,
#   ownerInstitutionCollectionCode <chr>, eventDate <dttm>, year <int>,
#   providedScientificName <chr>, scientificName <chr>,
#   ITISscientificName <chr>, providedCommonName <chr>,
#   ITIScommonName <chr>, ITIStsn <chr>, validAcceptedITIStsn <int>,
#   providedTSN <chr>, decimalLatitude <dbl>, decimalLongitude <dbl>,
#   geodeticDatum <chr>, coordinatePrecision <chr>,
#   coordinateUncertaintyInMeters <chr>, verbatimElevation <chr>,
#   verbatimDepth <chr>, centroid <chr>, higherGeographyID <chr>,
#   computedCountyFips <int>, providedCounty <chr>,
#   calculatedCounty <chr>, providedState <chr>, calculatedState <chr>,
#   countryCode <chr>, institutionID <chr>, collectionID <chr>,
#   relatedResourceID <chr>

Order sightings by year with arrange

arrange(bison, year)

Order sightings by year with arrange

arrange(bison, year)
# A tibble: 65,499 × 37
      bisonID basisOfRecord    catalogNumber collectorNumber
        <int>         <chr>            <chr>           <chr>
1   477258358      specimen             3526            <NA>
2   477258834      specimen             3488            <NA>
3   477259484      specimen             1824            <NA>
4   477259485      specimen             1825            <NA>
5   477259486      specimen             1826            <NA>
6   477236495      specimen             1827            <NA>
7  1216134054   observation         52-24774            <NA>
8  1051991657      specimen barcode-00596144             170
9  1051975572      specimen barcode-00596164             736
10 1042722599      specimen barcode-00512972            <NA>
# ... with 65,489 more rows, and 33 more variables: recordedBy <chr>,
#   providerID <int>, institutionCode <chr>, resourceID <dbl>,
#   ownerInstitutionCollectionCode <chr>, eventDate <dttm>, year <int>,
#   providedScientificName <chr>, scientificName <chr>,
#   ITISscientificName <chr>, providedCommonName <chr>,
#   ITIScommonName <chr>, ITIStsn <chr>, validAcceptedITIStsn <int>,
#   providedTSN <chr>, decimalLatitude <dbl>, decimalLongitude <dbl>,
#   geodeticDatum <chr>, coordinatePrecision <chr>,
#   coordinateUncertaintyInMeters <chr>, verbatimElevation <chr>,
#   verbatimDepth <chr>, centroid <chr>, higherGeographyID <chr>,
#   computedCountyFips <int>, providedCounty <chr>,
#   calculatedCounty <chr>, providedState <chr>, calculatedState <chr>,
#   countryCode <chr>, institutionID <chr>, collectionID <chr>,
#   relatedResourceID <chr>

Order alphabetically by ITISscientificName with `arrange`

arrange(bison, ITISscientificName)

Order alphabetically by ITISscientificName with `arrange`

arrange(bison, ITISscientificName)
# A tibble: 65,499 × 37
      bisonID basisOfRecord catalogNumber collectorNumber       recordedBy
        <int>         <chr>         <chr>           <chr>            <chr>
1  1218646356   observation          <NA>            <NA>             <NA>
2  1218646464   observation          <NA>            <NA>             <NA>
3  1218646669   observation          <NA>            <NA>             <NA>
4  1218649006   observation          <NA>            <NA>             <NA>
5  1218645940   observation          <NA>            <NA>             <NA>
6  1218646007   observation          <NA>            <NA>             <NA>
7          NA      specimen          <NA>            <NA>             <NA>
8  1220147222   observation          <NA>            <NA> Israel, Kimberly
9          NA      specimen          <NA>            <NA>             <NA>
10 1052571748   observation        860908            <NA>        Milo Pyne
# ... with 65,489 more rows, and 32 more variables: providerID <int>,
#   institutionCode <chr>, resourceID <dbl>,
#   ownerInstitutionCollectionCode <chr>, eventDate <dttm>, year <int>,
#   providedScientificName <chr>, scientificName <chr>,
#   ITISscientificName <chr>, providedCommonName <chr>,
#   ITIScommonName <chr>, ITIStsn <chr>, validAcceptedITIStsn <int>,
#   providedTSN <chr>, decimalLatitude <dbl>, decimalLongitude <dbl>,
#   geodeticDatum <chr>, coordinatePrecision <chr>,
#   coordinateUncertaintyInMeters <chr>, verbatimElevation <chr>,
#   verbatimDepth <chr>, centroid <chr>, higherGeographyID <chr>,
#   computedCountyFips <int>, providedCounty <chr>,
#   calculatedCounty <chr>, providedState <chr>, calculatedState <chr>,
#   countryCode <chr>, institutionID <chr>, collectionID <chr>,
#   relatedResourceID <chr>

Ordering rules for `arrange`

  • NAs
  • non-alphabetical characters
  • multiple criteria
  • see notes

Create lat/lon columns in degrees with mutate

       latitude_rad = pi * decimalLatitude / 180,
       longitude_rad = pi * decimalLongitude / 180,
       eventDate = parse_datetime(eventDate))

Create lat/lon columns in degrees with mutate

       latitude_rad = pi * decimalLatitude / 180,
       longitude_rad = pi * decimalLongitude / 180,
       eventDate = parse_datetime(eventDate))
# A tibble: 65,499 × 39
     bisonID basisOfRecord catalogNumber collectorNumber recordedBy
       <int>         <chr>         <chr>           <chr>      <chr>
1  844239256   observation  OBS174171744            <NA> obsr143470
2  844267315   observation  OBS173343892            <NA> obsr143470
3  846018158   observation  OBS174269666            <NA> obsr143470
4  846916268   observation  OBS173343881            <NA> obsr143470
5  846967932   observation  OBS174171742            <NA> obsr143470
6  940794719   observation  OBS182987416            <NA> obsr143470
7  940794958   observation  OBS182987420            <NA> obsr143470
8  940795061   observation  OBS182987419            <NA> obsr143470
9  940795118   observation  OBS182987418            <NA> obsr143470
10 940795350   observation  OBS182987421            <NA> obsr143470
# ... with 65,489 more rows, and 34 more variables: providerID <int>,
#   institutionCode <chr>, resourceID <dbl>,
#   ownerInstitutionCollectionCode <chr>, eventDate <dttm>, year <int>,
#   providedScientificName <chr>, scientificName <chr>,
#   ITISscientificName <chr>, providedCommonName <chr>,
#   ITIScommonName <chr>, ITIStsn <chr>, validAcceptedITIStsn <int>,
#   providedTSN <chr>, decimalLatitude <dbl>, decimalLongitude <dbl>,
#   geodeticDatum <chr>, coordinatePrecision <chr>,
#   coordinateUncertaintyInMeters <chr>, verbatimElevation <chr>,
#   verbatimDepth <chr>, centroid <chr>, higherGeographyID <chr>,
#   computedCountyFips <int>, providedCounty <chr>,
#   calculatedCounty <chr>, providedState <chr>, calculatedState <chr>,
#   countryCode <chr>, institutionID <chr>, collectionID <chr>,
#   relatedResourceID <chr>, latitude_rad <dbl>, longitude_rad <dbl>

Combine a bunch of dplyr operations in one line

mutate(select(filter(bison, ITIScommonName == "Carolina Chickadee"), year, ITIScommonName, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, eventDate), latitude_rad = pi * decimalLatitude / 180, longitude_rad = pi * decimalLongitude / 180, eventDate = parse_datetime(eventDate))

Combine a bunch of dplyr opperations in multiple lines

temp <- filter(bison, ITIScommonName == "Carolina Chickadee")
temp <- select(temp, year, ITIScommonName, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, eventDate)
mutate(temp, latitude_rad = pi * decimalLatitude / 180, longitude_rad = pi * decimalLongitude / 180, eventDate = parse_datetime(eventDate))

Combine a bunch of dplyr operations with **%>%**

bison %>%
    filter(ITIScommonName == "Carolina Chickadee") %>%
    select(year, ITIScommonName, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, eventDate) %>%
    mutate(latitude_rad = pi * decimalLatitude / 180, 
           longitude_rad = pi * decimalLongitude / 180, 
           eventDate = parse_datetime(eventDate))

Combine a bunch of dplyr operations with **%>%**

bison %>%
    filter(ITIScommonName == "Carolina Chickadee") %>%
    select(year, ITIScommonName, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, eventDate) %>%
    mutate(latitude_rad = pi * decimalLatitude / 180, 
           longitude_rad = pi * decimalLongitude / 180, 
           eventDate = parse_datetime(eventDate))
# A tibble: 1,478 × 7
    year     ITIScommonName decimalLatitude decimalLongitude  eventDate
   <int>              <chr>           <dbl>            <dbl>     <dttm>
1   2013 Carolina Chickadee         35.9283          -79.084 2013-02-23
2   2013 Carolina Chickadee         35.9283          -79.084 2013-03-17
3   2012 Carolina Chickadee         35.9283          -79.084 2012-12-31
4   2013 Carolina Chickadee         35.9283          -79.084 2013-01-01
5   2013 Carolina Chickadee         35.9283          -79.084 2013-01-27
6   2013 Carolina Chickadee         35.9283          -79.084 2013-11-17
7   2013 Carolina Chickadee         35.9283          -79.084 2013-11-23
8   2013 Carolina Chickadee         35.9283          -79.084 2013-12-08
9   2013 Carolina Chickadee         35.9283          -79.084 2013-12-07
10  2013 Carolina Chickadee         35.9283          -79.084 2013-12-15
# ... with 1,468 more rows, and 2 more variables: latitude_rad <dbl>,
#   longitude_rad <dbl>

summarise Poecile carolinensis sightings

Poecile carolinensis is the scientific name for Carolina Chickadee

bison %>%
    filter(ITISscientificName == "Poecile carolinensis") %>%
    summarise(num_obs = n(), most_recent = max(year))

summarise Poecile carolinensis sightings

Poecile carolinensis is the scientific name for Carolina Chickadee

bison %>%
    filter(ITISscientificName == "Poecile carolinensis") %>%
    summarise(num_obs = n(), most_recent = max(year))
# A tibble: 1 × 2
  num_obs most_recent
    <int>       <int>
1    1478        2013

Question 2

What is the decimalLongitude of the most recent Dumetella carolinensis sighting? https://goo.gl/forms/LYhbES0N9gdhWBtr2

How do we summarize each species sightings?

  • could use a for loop + filter for each ITISscientificName
  • or group_by

Summarize species sightings with group_by

bison %>%
    group_by(ITISscientificName) %>%
    summarise(num_obs = n(), most_recent = max(year))

Summarize species sightings with group_by

bison %>%
    group_by(ITISscientificName) %>%
    summarise(num_obs = n(), most_recent = max(year))
# A tibble: 2,544 × 3
     ITISscientificName num_obs most_recent
                  <chr>   <int>       <int>
1           Ablabesmyia       6        2003
2  Abutilon theophrasti       1          NA
3              Acalypha       1        2009
4    Acalypha gracilens       1          NA
5  Acalypha ostryifolia       1        2014
6   Acalypha rhomboidea       1          NA
7    Acalypha virginica       4          NA
8       Acanthodrilidae       1        1969
9                 Acari       4        2003
10   Accipiter cooperii      58        2013
# ... with 2,534 more rows

Using group_by to subset

Species seen at least 3 times in the entire datbase, but only observations in 2015

group_by(bison, ITISscientificName) %>%
  filter(n() > 3, year == 2015)

Using group_by to subset

Species seen at least 3 times in the entire datbase, but only observations in 2015

group_by(bison, ITISscientificName) %>%
  filter(n() > 3, year == 2015)
Source: local data frame [132 x 37]
Groups: ITISscientificName [88]

      bisonID basisOfRecord catalogNumber collectorNumber      recordedBy
        <int>         <chr>         <chr>           <chr>           <chr>
1  1092883743   observation       1502468            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
2  1092883702   observation       1502460            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
3  1143531724   observation       1916624            <NA>        jptuttle
4  1088924502   observation       1309338            <NA>       Milo Pyne
5  1088947111   observation       1391927            <NA>       Milo Pyne
6  1143531759   observation       1916623            <NA>        jptuttle
7  1092895216   observation       1537080            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
8  1088952193   observation       1405741            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
9  1134968123   observation       1825180            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
10 1092905293   observation       1567347            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
# ... with 122 more rows, and 32 more variables: providerID <int>,
#   institutionCode <chr>, resourceID <dbl>,
#   ownerInstitutionCollectionCode <chr>, eventDate <dttm>, year <int>,
#   providedScientificName <chr>, scientificName <chr>,
#   ITISscientificName <chr>, providedCommonName <chr>,
#   ITIScommonName <chr>, ITIStsn <chr>, validAcceptedITIStsn <int>,
#   providedTSN <chr>, decimalLatitude <dbl>, decimalLongitude <dbl>,
#   geodeticDatum <chr>, coordinatePrecision <chr>,
#   coordinateUncertaintyInMeters <chr>, verbatimElevation <chr>,
#   verbatimDepth <chr>, centroid <chr>, higherGeographyID <chr>,
#   computedCountyFips <int>, providedCounty <chr>,
#   calculatedCounty <chr>, providedState <chr>, calculatedState <chr>,
#   countryCode <chr>, institutionID <chr>, collectionID <chr>,
#   relatedResourceID <chr>

Using group_by to subset again

Species seen at least 3 times in 2015

group_by(bison, ITISscientificName, year) %>%
  filter(n() > 3, year == 2015)

Using group_by to subset again

Species seen at least 3 times in 2015

group_by(bison, ITISscientificName, year) %>%
  filter(n() > 3, year == 2015)
Source: local data frame [20 x 37]
Groups: ITISscientificName, year [3]

      bisonID basisOfRecord catalogNumber collectorNumber      recordedBy
        <int>         <chr>         <chr>           <chr>           <chr>
1  1088952193   observation       1405741            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
2  1143534032   observation       1922784            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
3  1092895077   observation       1536431            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
4  1135211827   observation       1847559            <NA>     Nicki Cagle
5  1088952154   observation       1405740            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
6  1088951040   observation       1402023            <NA>   Robert Graham
7  1088924555   observation       1309508            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
8  1088924584   observation       1309510            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
9  1088926416   observation       1333652            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
10 1088924185   observation       1308312            <NA>          mklein
11 1088924277   observation       1308649            <NA>       Milo Pyne
12 1088898166   observation       1216125            <NA>      Ann Prince
13 1099973107   observation       1727052            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
14 1098913825   observation       1642366            <NA>  fungjustin_112
15 1099973119   observation       1727085            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
16 1088957892   observation       1422660            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
17 1088957895   observation       1422661            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
18 1092878779   observation       1469123            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
19 1143541738   observation       1945328            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
20 1088975979   observation       1474612            <NA> Suzanne Cadwell
# ... with 32 more variables: providerID <int>, institutionCode <chr>,
#   resourceID <dbl>, ownerInstitutionCollectionCode <chr>,
#   eventDate <dttm>, year <int>, providedScientificName <chr>,
#   scientificName <chr>, ITISscientificName <chr>,
#   providedCommonName <chr>, ITIScommonName <chr>, ITIStsn <chr>,
#   validAcceptedITIStsn <int>, providedTSN <chr>, decimalLatitude <dbl>,
#   decimalLongitude <dbl>, geodeticDatum <chr>,
#   coordinatePrecision <chr>, coordinateUncertaintyInMeters <chr>,
#   verbatimElevation <chr>, verbatimDepth <chr>, centroid <chr>,
#   higherGeographyID <chr>, computedCountyFips <int>,
#   providedCounty <chr>, calculatedCounty <chr>, providedState <chr>,
#   calculatedState <chr>, countryCode <chr>, institutionID <chr>,
#   collectionID <chr>, relatedResourceID <chr>

Question 3:

Which species has been observed the most by one collector?


  • use ITISscientificName and collectorNumber
  • ignore both missing collector names and scientific names