This lab asks you to think about effective visualizations by making one of your own and critiquing someone else’s visualization. Before attempting this lab make sure you are familiar with the content of the effective communication lecture.
This lab is due Tuesday 4/18/17. Please hand in a .Rmd file (make sure it knits) and possibly accompanying data (the grader will be happier if you load data from a url…)
1a: Take any plot that you made earlier this semester (even one that I made in a lecture) and turn it into a plot for communication (include the original plot as well).
Include the code for both the original and the new plot. This lecture and the resources listed at the top might be helpful.
1b: Explicitly state the message of the plot and the design choices you made to create the plot. How do the choices you made follow the principles of communication from lecture?
Link to a bad plot someone posted online and answer the following questions:
Any graphic you find is fine. has many examples of bad visualizations to pick on.
Find an example of professional communication and analyze it using the principles discussed in the effective communication lecture. Discuss how it uses and/or does not use these principles. Are their design choices effective? How would you improve their design choices? Submit a one page write up.
For example check out this pitch deck used by a startup called twine.
You can hand this in anytime before the end of the semester for one extra credit point.