Due January 17th at 5pm.
- do the reading from January 12th
- find and download one data set from data.gov as a .csv
- load it into R and find something interesting
- communicate your results in R Markdown
- write 1 paragraph describing the data set and what makes your result interesting
- make one plot
- compute one statistic
Name the R Markdown file first_last_L1.Rmd (i.e. iain_carmichael_L1.Rmd). On Sakai submit
- the .Rmd file
- the .pdf file
- the data
Note: please upload a .pdf file, not and .html file. Sakai does not play well with .html.
- do all of your analysis in an R script file then copy the code into an R Markdown document
- some of the data on data.gov may be messy (have missing values, not load properly, not tell you what the columns mean, etc)
- either try cleaning the data set yourself
- or find a cleaner data set
- save the data set in the same folder as the .Rmd file
- there is lot’s of example code in chapter 3 of r4ds.
- try copy/pasting some of the code from r4ds and make various plots using the data set you have downloaded
- simple histogram or scatter plot will probably suffice